AIMP_WebLyrics.gitConfiguration file for AIMPs lyric plugin. Joshua Drake21 months
EVPC.gitUNFINISHED. An Electric Vehicle Parameter Calculator with accompanying GUI. Joshua Drake21 months
PCBs/resistor_box.gitPCB and Schematics for ResBox Project. Joshua Drake7 months
Qt_needle.gitA simple Qt class for manipulating Gauge Needles. Joshua Drake15 months
engineeringpage.gitA Qt Class for creating engineering pages: programmatically generated data table...Joshua Drake20 months
mp3_converter.gitConverts the audio files in a directory and its subdirectories into CD quality m...Joshua Drake15 months
project_euler.gitCollection of a few solutions that I've written in Python. Joshua Drake17 months
resbox.gitResBox code for PIC24F16KM202 and Arduino. Joshua Drake3 months
sb-modules.gitCustom DWMBlocks scripts. Joshua Drake8 months
texttohtml.gitUNFINISHED. Text based HTML Converter by Daniel Behmer. Daniel Behmer21 months
the_pond.gitCool Amphibians. Joshua Drake6 days