engineeringpage.gitA Qt Class for creating engineering pages: programmatically generated data table...Joshua Drake20 months
Qt_needle.gitA simple Qt class for manipulating Gauge Needles. Joshua Drake15 months
project_euler.gitCollection of a few solutions that I've written in Python. Joshua Drake17 months
AIMP_WebLyrics.gitConfiguration file for AIMPs lyric plugin. Joshua Drake21 months
mp3_converter.gitConverts the audio files in a directory and its subdirectories into CD quality m...Joshua Drake15 months
the_pond.gitCool Amphibians. Joshua Drake6 days
sb-modules.gitCustom DWMBlocks scripts. Joshua Drake8 months
PCBs/resistor_box.gitPCB and Schematics for ResBox Project. Joshua Drake7 months
resbox.gitResBox code for PIC24F16KM202 and Arduino. Joshua Drake3 months
EVPC.gitUNFINISHED. An Electric Vehicle Parameter Calculator with accompanying GUI. Joshua Drake21 months
texttohtml.gitUNFINISHED. Text based HTML Converter by Daniel Behmer. Daniel Behmer21 months