\begingroup \clearpage% Manually insert \clearpage \let\clearpage\relax% Remove \clearpage functionality \vspace*{-16pt}% Insert needed vertical retraction \chapter[RESULTS]{RESULTS} \endgroup \section{Configuration One} \subsection{Turboprop Engine Data} Figure 11 shows the power turbine shaft torque output and rotational speed throughout the test run. The impact of the power generator can be seen in the mechanical system data. The turboprop was taken to full throttle and left there for the duration of the electrical system testing. The turboprop maintains a specific shaft speed at each throttle setting and so should not change throughout the run. The decrease in RPM around the 355-s mark was caused by the load of the generator slowing it down. After 5-s, the engine control unit brought the turboprop back to the intended speed. However, it can be seen that the engine was now producing more torque at that same RPM, and thus more power. The turboprop is rated for a peak shaft speed of 2158-RPM, which was used in the design of the generator system. The peak value measured during testing was 2136-RPM. So, the generator was spinning at 2990-RPM and the design speed for the generator is 3000-RPM, so it was operating nominally. The peak power produced by the turboprop was about 150-kW. The nominal max continuous output of the engine is 160-kW, but the engine can temporarily boost to 180-kW for takeoff. This means that throughout testing, the maximum power rating of the engine was never exceeded. The engine performed well, and no otherwise unexpected phenomenon happened to the engine throughout testing. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{img/test1prop.png} \caption{\label{test1prop}Turboprop Shaft Torque and Speed} \end{figure} \subsection{Electrical System Performance} Figure 12 shows the voltage of the central bus and the current flow from the generator and battery. The ESC throttle positions are labeled in the figure. The voltage data contain some noise caused by the electrical output of the generator. The cause of the noise being something else, such as the vibration of the instrumentation, is unlikely because it only appears when the generator hits the designed speed and exceeds the voltage of the battery. The Arduino and probes that measure the main bus voltage are also not located on the engine, further increasing the notion that the noise is caused by the generator creating a noisy DC signal.\\ Figure 13 shows the total electrical and mechanical power during the same period as Fig. 12, allowing for direct comparison. The trends for the voltage data are quite clear. The battery begins at 106.5-V and ends at 105.9-V. Under peak load at around 365-s, the minimum operating voltage of 100-V is achieved. From left to right, the changes in ESC throttle position can be seen. Starting from the left the battery begins charging at 14.4-A. The two ESCs are then commanded to start at the expected nearly 15-A current draw, but the left ESC failed to engage properly.\\ Surprisingly, the medium throttle position on the right ESC was achieved by drawing ~75-A, but the amount of current from the generator saw only a minor increase. Instead, the difference was almost entirely picked up by the battery. This can also be seen in the power data. There is a small bump in generator power at the ESC medium point, but the power decreases slightly and is picked up by the battery. The mechanical data show a drop in rotational speed at about the same time the medium throttle point was engaged. Whenever the load was increased, it slowed down the rotational speed (and thus voltage) of the generator preventing it from picking up the difference. The generator was slowed down from the near constant ~2990-RPM to 2904-RPM, which would have reduced the output voltage by 3-V. Because the output voltage of the generator is so close to the battery voltage, this decrease in voltage significantly impacted the current output. The battery responded to the increased load almost instantly but based on the power/RPM data, it took ~5-s for the turboprop ECU to adequately react to the increase in mechanical load.\\ Once the high ESC throttle position was reached, a significant amount of current ~150-A total was discharged. The voltage then dropped by several volts and the amount of current from the generator increased significantly to its maximum of 39-A. At this point, around 4-kW was being extracted from the turboprop using the generator, while about 13-kW of power came from the battery.\\ Afterward, the second medium throttle position was hit. The total current was ~40-A compared to the previous 75-A. The reason for the significant difference may have been an error made by the operator, who may have missed the target ESC throttle positions. The power data, however, provides evidence that the total power output of the propeller was continuously decreasing despite the operator holding the throttle steady for each position. The simple explanation may be that the inertia of the propeller and electric motor is quite large. The electric motor did not require as much power because it was slowing down instead of speeding up. The final observation is that the resting current output of the generator recharging the battery is slightly higher than at the beginning of the run. This is because the voltage difference between the generator and battery increased since the battery discharged some of its power. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{img/test1electric.png} \caption{\label{test1electric}Voltage and Current Data} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{img/test1power.png} \caption{\label{test1power}Mechanical versus Electrical Power} \end{figure} \subsection{Electronic Speed Controller Failure} After the main test was completed, the left ESC that had failed to start properly was investigated. The ESC and electric motor had previously been successfully tested during an all-electric check-out test run. The electric motor was again tested on battery power to figure out what was wrong. During this attempt at starting the motor, the ESC saw a significant in-rush current as shown in Fig. 14. This caused spontaneous failure and the rupturing of the capacitors inside the ESC creating a minor fire. The current draw during failure shown in Fig. 14 is an underestimate. The sensor used to monitor the battery current maxes out slightly over 500-A, so the instantaneous maximum values may have been higher than 550-A.\\ The electrical data during the failure were of particular interest. During previous testing, an ESC had desoldered its connection point with its main power wire, which had removed the ESC load from the main bus. In this case, the ESC shorted, causing a substantial unexpected load of 46-kW of electrical power on the central bus. This caused significant strain on the battery, whose maximum rated current was around 350-A. Had this event occurred during full system testing, then it could have damaged the turboprop engine or the battery.\\ The acquisition rate of the current sensor data is slow compared to the failure causing steep step changes. However, it appears that as the failed system was failing, the minimum of the oscillating current expenditure creeps up from around 20-A (at 423-s) to about 50-A (428-s). This gave rise to clear recommendations for the handling of electrical failure modes. \section{Configuration Two}