%% This file `osuthesis.cls' was originally adapted from `report.cls'.
%% Copyright (C) 1999, 2005, 2020
%% Oklahoma State University
%% Original author: Brian O'Dell
%% Revised: Ryan T. Ratliff 2005
%% Revised: Paul Fili, Edward Richmond 2020
%% SEE THE dissertation_main.tex FILE FOR THE DATA WHICH YOU
%% Usage:
%% This class file follows the format for theses and dissertations
%% of Oklahoma State University. A sample document template is shown
%% below. For special information (name, degree, etc.) use standard
%% capitalization rules except where noted. IT IS IMPORTANT TO
%% MAINTAIN THIS SEQUENCE. User-supplied information is denoted with
%% ``< ... >''.
%% % Sample OSU /Dissertation
%% \documentclass{osuthesis}
%% \title{
} % Title in ALL CAPS
%% \formattedtitle{} % Same as \title, but with line
%% % breaks to obtain the inverted
%% % pyramid shape required for
%% % title and approval pages
%% \author{} % Author in ALL CAPS
%% % Earned degree(s)
%% \degreeone{%
%% \\%
%% \\%
%% , \\%
%% }
%% \degreeone{%
%% \\%
%% \\%
%% , \\%
%% } % (If applicable)
%% % Current degree information
%% \degreesought{} % Degree in ALL CAPS
%% \degreedate{, }
%% \majorfield{}
%% \begin{document}
%% \bibliographystyle{plain} % Several styles available,
%% % check with your department
%% \maketitle % Creates title page.
%% \makeapproval{5} % Creates spproval page. The argument
%% % (the numeral 4,5, or 6) is the number of
%% % signatures required (Remember to add one
%% % for the Dean of the Graduate College.)
%% \begin{preface} % Creates Preface page (OPTIONAL)
%% \end{preface}
%% \begin{acknowledge} % Creates Acknowledgments
%% % page (OPTIONAL)
%% \end{acknowledge}
%% \tableofcontents % Creates table of contents
%% \listoffigures % Creates list of figures (IF APPLICABLE)
%% \listoftables % Creates list of tables (IF APPLICABLE)
%% % (Recommend storing text in separate *.tex file, then
%% % including with \include{}.)
%% \bibliography{<*.bib file(s)>}
%% \appendix
%% % (Recommend storing text in separate *.tex file, then
%% % including with \include{}.)
%% \begin{vita}{}{}{} % Creates vita
%% \vitaitem{Personal Data:} % OPTIONAL
%% \vitaitem{Education:} Completed the requirements
%% for the degree with a major in at
%% Oklahoma State University in , .
%% \vitaitem{Experience:}
%% \vitaitem{Professional Memberships:}
%% \end{vita}
%% \begin{abstract}{}{}{} % Creates abstract
%% % (350 word maximum)
%% \end{abstract}
%% \end{document}
%% Notes:
%% 1) A proof environment is defined in this file. It must be removed
%% if an included package (e.g., amsmath) also defines this environment
%% or an error will result.
%% 2) Theorem-like environments are defined (using the environment name
%% in parenthesis) for Theorem (theorem), Lemma (lemma),
%% Corollary (corollary), Problem (problem), Definition (definition),
%% Assumption (assumption), Example (example), and Remark (remark).
%% 3) Remember that the abstract must be submitted separately from the
%% thesis, and that six copies must be submitted.
%% 4) Remember to include two blank pages before the title page and after
%% the vita.
%% This file requires LaTeX2e.
%% -------------------------------------------------
%% \CharacterTable
%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
[2020/02/04 v2.0
Oklahoma State University Thesis/Dissertation document class]
{\setlength\paperheight {11in}%
\setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}}
\DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse \@mparswitchfalse}
\itemindent -\bibindent
\listparindent \itemindent
\parsep \z@
\setlength\parskip{0\p@ \@plus \p@}
\@lowpenalty 51
\@medpenalty 151
\@highpenalty 301
% ********************************************************
% **************** SPECIAL DECLARATIONS ******************
% ********************************************************
% Theorem-like environments defined at end of this document.
% Define single- and double-space environments.
% The formatted title
% The full (unabbreviated) name of the degree
% The year the degree will be officially conferred
% The name of your degree's field (e.g. Economics, Computer Science)
% Previous degrees
% Commands for proof environment (adapted from amsgen.sty & amsthm.sty)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\ifmmode % if math mode, assume display: omit penalty etc.
\else \leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill
\hbox to.77778em{%
\vbox to.675em{\hrule width.6em\vfil\hrule}%
%%%%the following is the modified proof environment from the university%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \item[\hskip\labelsep\itshape Proof.]\ignorespaces
% %\qed\endtrivlist}
%%%%%%%this is the proof environment I copied from amsthm package and it works better%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@ \trivlist
\qed\endtrivlist %%this ending symbol is a solid black box
% $\Box$\endtrivlist %%change the ending symbol from a solid black box to an empty box
% Define a placeholder counter for roman-numbered pages.
% Define inverted pyramid title paragraph shape
\newcommand{\invertedpyramid}{\parshape=3 0in 4in 0.25in 3.5in 0.5in 3in}
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ****************** PAGE FORMATTING *********************
% ********************************************************
\dsp % Use double spacing for text
\setlength{\headheight}{0pt} % 12pt}
\setlength{\headsep}{0pt} % 12pt}
\setlength{\textheight}{9in} % 624pt} % = 9in - 24 pts for heightheight and sep = 624 pts (72 pt = 1 in)
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.3125in} % adds to nominal 1in margin
\setlength{\footskip}{36pt} % 0.5in
\newlength{\titlewidth} % defines width for title page text
\newlength{\widertitlewidth} % defines wider width for title page text
\newlength{\mylengtha} % Used in formatting vita and abstract
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ******************** TITLE PAGE **********************(no page number, put it at the very beginning of the thesis)
% ********************************************************
\newcommand{\maketitle}% Create coverpage layout.
{\newpage \setlength{\partopsep}{0in} \setlength{\topskip}{0in}
\parbox{\widertitlewidth}{\centering \dsp \@formattedtitle}
\parbox{\titlewidth}{\centering \dsp By \par \@author %
\@degreeone \par \ssp}
\parbox{\widertitlewidth}{\centering \dsp By \linebreak\linebreak %
\@author \linebreak\linebreak %
\@degreeone \linebreak\linebreak %
\@degreetwo \linebreak\linebreak %
Submitted to the Faculty of the\\
Graduate College of the\\
Oklahoma State University\\
in partial fulfillment of\\
the requirements for\\
the Degree of\\
\par\ssp\vspace*{0.875in}\par\dsp% 2 inch nominal bottom margin
% \maketitle outputs the complete titlepage.
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ****************** COPYRIGHT PAGE ********************
% (not needed on and after May 2016)
% ********************************************************
%\newcommand{\makecopyright}% Create coverpage layout.
% COPYRIGHT \copyright\\
% \maketitle outputs the complete titlepage.
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ******************* APPROVAL PAGE ********************
% (no need to put the dean of the graduate college for May 2016)
% ********************************************************
\newcommand{\makeapproval}[4]% Create approval page layout.
{\newpage \setlength{\partopsep}{0in} \setlength{\topskip}{0in}
\begin{center}\msp % \msp adjusts the spacing between lines
\parbox{\widertitlewidth}{\centering \dsp \@formattedtitle}
\mbox{} \\ \vspace{2cm}
\parbox{\titlewidth}{Thesis Approved:}\par
\parbox{\titlewidth}{\centering %
% Remove names if creating signature page
\rule{\titlewidth}{0in} \\ \mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\%\mbox{Dissertation Advisors Name Here} \\
\mbox{#1} \\
\hline % Sets width of sig. lines
\mbox{Thesis Advisor} \\
\mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\
\mbox{#2} \\
\mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\
\mbox{#3} \\
\mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\
\mbox{#4} \\
\mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\ \mbox{} \\
%{\ssp Dean of the Graduate College}
%\par\ssp\vspace*{1.8125in}\par\dsp% 4 inch nominal bottom margin
% \makeapproval outputs the complete approval page
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% *************** PREFACE PAGE ****************(did not use)
% ********************************************************
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{68pt} \par
\vspace*{0.25in} \par \dsp}
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% *************** ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PAGE ****************(optional for May 2016)
% ********************************************************
{\newpage \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{68pt} \par
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS\blfootnote{Acknowledgments reflect the views of the author and are not endorsed
by committee members or Oklahoma State University.}
\vspace*{0.25in} \par \dsp}
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
{\newpage \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{68pt} \par
\vspace*{0.25in} \par \dsp}
{\newpage \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{68pt} \par
\vspace*{0.25in} \par \dsp}
% ********************************************************
% ******************* ABSTRACT PAGE ********************
% ********************************************************
\newpage \vspace*{#5}\renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
{\dsp \parindent=0in
Name:~~#1 \par
Date of Degree:~~#2
\par \settowidth{\mylengtha}{Title of Study:~~}
\mbox{Title of Study:~~\parbox[t]{\mylengthb}{\ssp \MakeUppercase{\@title} \par\null}}
% \settowidth{\mylengtha}{Title of Study:~~}
% \setlength{\mylengthb}{\textwidth}
% \addtolength{\mylengthb}{-\mylengtha}
% \mbox{Title of Study:~~#3}
Major Field:~~#4 \par
} \ssp \parindent=0in \parskip=1em
Abstract: }
%{\par \parskip=0in \vfill \par ADVISOR'S APPROVAL:~~\hrulefill}
\newcommand{\abstractitem}[1]{\par \hangindent=0.375in \hangafter=1 \parindent=0in #1~}
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
% ********************* VITA PAGE **********************(no page number, put it at the very end of the thesis)
% ********************************************************
{\dsp \parindent=0in
\vspace*{1in} \par
\hspace*{-0.25in} \parbox{\textwidth}{\centering \dsp VITA \par
#1 \par
Candidate for the Degree of \par
#2 \par}
\mbox{Thesis:~~\parbox[t]{\mylengthb}{\ssp \MakeUppercase{\@title} \par\null}}
Major Field:~~#3 \par
Biographical: \par
} \ssp \parskip=1em
{\par \parskip=0in}
%\newcommand{\vitaitem}[1]{\par \hangindent=0.75in %%if we want the content of Education indented.
% \hangafter=1 \parindent=0.375in #1~}
\newcommand{\vitaitem}[1]{\par \hangindent=0.375in %%No indent on the row for Education and the content of Education.
\hangafter=1 \parindent=0.375in #1~}
\newcommand{\abitem}[1]{\par \hangindent=0.375in %
\hangafter=1 \parindent=0.0in #1~}
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
\newcounter {part}
\newcounter {chapter}
\newcounter {section}[chapter]
\newcounter {subsection}[section]
\newcounter {subsubsection}[subsection]
\newcounter {paragraph}[subsubsection]
\newcounter {subparagraph}[paragraph]
\renewcommand \thepart {\@Roman\c@part}
\renewcommand \thechapter {\@Roman\c@chapter}
% To preserve roman numerals in subsections, use the command
%\renewcommand \thesection {\thechapter.\@arabic\c@section}
% instead of the command below:
\renewcommand \thesection {\@arabic\c@chapter.\@arabic\c@section}
\renewcommand \thesubsection {\thesection.\@arabic\c@subsection}
\renewcommand \thesubsubsection{\thesubsection .\@arabic\c@subsubsection}
\renewcommand \theparagraph {\thesubsubsection.\@arabic\c@paragraph}
\renewcommand \thesubparagraph {\theparagraph.\@arabic\c@subparagraph}
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
\interlinepenalty \@M
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
\huge\bfseries \partname~\thepart
\vskip 20\p@
\Huge \bfseries #2\par}%
\interlinepenalty \@M
\Huge \bfseries #1\par}%
\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\def\@makechapterhead#1{% %--------------------------Chapter Head
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright \centering \normalfont
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
\vskip 15\p@
\bfseries #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 15\p@
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright
\bfseries #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 15\p@ %---------------------------------Section Def
{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%
\setlength\leftmargini {2em}
\setlength\leftmargini {2.5em}
\leftmargin \leftmargini
\setlength\leftmarginii {2.2em}
\setlength\leftmarginiii {1.87em}
\setlength\leftmarginiv {1.7em}
\setlength\leftmarginv {.5em}
\setlength\leftmarginvi {.5em}
\setlength\leftmarginv {1em}
\setlength\leftmarginvi {1em}
\setlength \labelsep {.5em}
\setlength \labelwidth{\leftmargini}
\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
\@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty
\@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty
\newcommand\labelitemii{\normalfont\bfseries \textendash}
{\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
\normalfont\bfseries #1}
\list{}{\itemsep \z@
\itemindent -1.5em%
\rightmargin \leftmargin
\advance\leftmargin 1.5em}%
{\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em%
\itemindent \listparindent
\rightmargin \leftmargin
\parsep \z@ \@plus\p@}%
\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins
\@addtoreset {equation}{chapter}
{\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@equation}
\renewcommand \thefigure
{\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@figure}
\renewcommand \thetable
{\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@table}
\sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}%
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
#1: #2\par
\global \@minipagefalse
% ********************************************************
% ************** TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE **************** %----------------------------------------------------------
% ********************************************************
% Note here we need one more inch, with header, we have 12 + 15 = 27 points
% we've use for the header, now we need 72 - 27 = 45 pts, so we add that
% via a \rule command, in TOC, LOT, and LOF's
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{45pt} \par
\osucontentsname \par \dsp}
\renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}} %\par
%\pagenumbering{arabic} % resets page counter to 1, arabic format
% ********************************************************
% ********************************************************
\ifnum \c@tocdepth >-2\relax
\addvspace{2.25em \@plus\p@}%
\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
\large \bfseries #1\hfil \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}}\par
\ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
\vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
\leavevmode \bfseries
\hskip -\leftskip
#1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
\par \dsp
\cname \hfill \pname
\par \dsp
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{45pt} \par
\listfigurename \par
\fname \hfill \pname
\rule{0in}{0.25in} \par \ssp} % \dsp}
\@starttoc{lof} \newpage
{\centering \ssp \rule{0in}{45pt} \par
\listtablename \par
\tname \hfill \pname
\rule{0in}{0.25in} \par \dsp}
\@starttoc{lot} \newpage
%\@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\bibname}{\MakeUppercase\bibname}}% %changed to center bib heading
\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
\newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
\columnseprule \z@
\columnsep 35\p@
\parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
\newcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@}
\newcommand\subitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{20\p@}}
\newcommand\subsubitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{30\p@}}
\newcommand\indexspace{\par \vskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus3\p@\relax}
\parindent 1em%
\newcommand\osucontentsname{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\newcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
\newcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
% Theorem-like environments (must be defined here for section numbers).
%% End of file `osuthesis.cls'