\begingroup \clearpage% Manually insert \clearpage \let\clearpage\relax% Remove \clearpage functionality \vspace*{-16pt}% Insert needed vertical retraction \chapter[CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND FUTURE WORK]{CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND FUTURE WORK} \endgroup \section{Configuration One} The experimental characterization of the electromechanical performance of the partial-hybrid turbo-electric aircraft ground test vehicle was accomplished. The peak power generated was about 4-kW, which was used to power the right-wing motor along with 13-kW of power from the battery. The total engine output was around 150-kW. The electrical power generated was significantly more than the 0.72-kW generated by the original engine alternator. Based on the performance metrics of the engine, the maximum power output and the speed of the turboprop were kept well within the nominal range.\\ The interdependent time response of the combined machine was interesting. The turbine engine was operating at 150-kW of shaft power whenever the generator was fully engaged at 4-kW. The battery met the required load, but the turboprop was slowed down by the generator and took almost 5-s to return to the nominal RPM value. The slow response of the turbine to such a minor adjustment in power was unexpected. The power split between the generator and the battery during the transition from low to medium throttle was also of particular interest. The current flow from the generator changed only slightly with the difference being made up by the battery. The reason for the slight change was an impact on the rotational speed of the generator and its effect on output voltage. The slowdown from the near-constant turboprop shaft speed led to a 3-V decrease in the output of the generator. Because the output voltage of the generator was so close to the battery voltage, this decrease in voltage significantly impacted the current output and prevented it from meeting the electrical system demand. Once the turboprop rotational speed returned to normal, the generator was able to produce more current.\\ Additionally, a failure mode caused by a short in the left ESC was identified. The bus voltage dropped considerably from 106-V to somewhere near 40-V. The current output of the ESC reached at least 550-A and drew a minimum of 46-kW of power from the battery. The power system was able to temporarily accommodate the failure, but it highlighted that the power system needed to be able to accommodate a power failure that pulled all available electrical power in the system.\\ Finally, a qualitative analysis of the acoustic signature of the aircraft testbed showed there was little difference between the OASPL of the aircraft with and without the electric propeller operating. This demonstrates that the dominant noise source is likely the turboprop engine or acoustic interactions related to the turboprop engine. A cowling with acoustic dampening material could potentially change this outcome, especially since the engine in this configuration is not enclosed.