Microchip Technology Inc, v2.10 (B) Tool Name: /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../bin/elf-ld Command: -p24FV16KM202 \ --mdfp=/opt/microchip/mplabx/v6.15/packs/Microchip/PIC24F-KA-KL-KM_DFP/1.4.83/xc16 \ -o \ dist/default/production/resbox.X.production.elf \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/.. \ -L/opt/microchip/mplabx/v6.15/packs/Microchip/PIC24F-KA-KL-KM_DFP/1.4.83/xc16/bin/../support/PIC24F/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/PIC24E/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/PIC24F/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/PIC24H/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC30F/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC33C/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC33E/gld \ -L/opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC33F/gld \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mcc.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o \ build/default/production/main.o \ build/default/production/SPI.o \ build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o \ --defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1 \ -Tp24FV16KM202.gld.00 \ --stack=16 \ --check-sections \ --data-init \ --pack-data \ --handles \ --isr \ --no-gc-sections \ --fill-upper=0 \ --stackguard=16 \ --no-force-link \ --smart-io \ -Map=dist/default/production/resbox.X.production.map \ --report-mem \ --memorysummary \ dist/default/production/memoryfile.xml \ -start-group \ --library=c99-pic30-elf \ --library=m-elf \ --library=c99-elf \ -end-group \ Optional library libpPIC24Fxxx.a not found Archive member included because of file (symbol) /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) (__resetPRI) /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(data_init_standard.o) /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) (__data_init_standard) /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(crt_start_mode_normal.Meo) (__crt_start_mode_normal) Selected CodeGuard Options: FGS:GWRP:OFF FGS:GCP:OFF FBS:BWRP:OFF FBS:BSS:OFF CodeGuard FLASH Memory: boot (none) secure (none) general 0x200 to 0x2bfe CodeGuard RAM Memory: general 0x800 to 0xfff secure (none) boot (none) CodeGuard EEPROM Memory: general 0x7ffe00 to 0x7fffff secure (none) boot (none) xc16-ld 2.10 (B) Default Code Model: Small Default Data Model: Small Default Scalar Model: Small "program" Memory [Origin = 0x200, Length = 0x2a00] section address length (PC units) length (bytes) (dec) ------- ------- ----------------- -------------------- .text 0x200 0x264 0x396 (918) .text 0x464 0x6e2 0xa53 (2643) .dinit 0xb46 0x36 0x51 (81) .text 0xb7c 0x6a 0x9f (159) Total "program" memory used (bytes): 0xed9 (3801) 23% "data" Memory [Origin = 0x800, Length = 0x800] section address alignment gaps total length (dec) ------- ------- -------------- ------------------- .nbss 0x800 0 0x4a (74) .ndata 0x84a 0 0xa (10) .nbss 0x854 0 0x4 (4) .ndata 0x858 0 0x2 (2) .nbss 0x85a 0 0x2 (2) Total "data" memory used (bytes): 0x5c (92) 4% Dynamic Memory Usage region address maximum length (dec) ------ ------- --------------------- heap 0 0 (0) stack 0x85c 0x7a4 (1956) Maximum dynamic memory (bytes): 0x7a4 (1956) Info: Project is using a large data memory model when small data memory model is sufficient. External Symbols in Data Memory (by address): 0x0820 _WriteBuffer 0x0826 _ReadBuffer 0x082c _writeData 0x082e _readData 0x0830 _addr0 0x0831 _addr1 0x0832 _write 0x0834 _total 0x083e _yeah 0x083f _index 0x0840 _temp 0x0841 _i2cArray 0x084a _slaveAddress 0x084b _regAdd 0x0854 _TMR1_InterruptHandler 0x085a _nullarray External Symbols in Data Memory (by name): 0x0826 _ReadBuffer 0x0854 _TMR1_InterruptHandler 0x0820 _WriteBuffer 0x0830 _addr0 0x0831 _addr1 0x0841 _i2cArray 0x083f _index 0x085a _nullarray 0x082e _readData 0x084b _regAdd 0x084a _slaveAddress 0x0840 _temp 0x0834 _total 0x0832 _write 0x082c _writeData 0x083e _yeah External Symbols in Program Memory (by address): 0x000200 __resetPRI 0x00023c __psv_init 0x000252 __data_init 0x000252 __data_init_standard 0x0002cc __MSSP2Interrupt 0x0003ac __OscillatorFail 0x0003cc __StackError 0x0003ee __AddressError 0x00040e __MathError 0x00042e __T1Interrupt 0x00045e __DefaultInterrupt 0x000464 _Message_OUT 0x0004ee _Message_BIM 0x00052a _Message_MAPIN0 0x000566 _Message_MAPIN1 0x0005a2 _Message_INST 0x0005b4 _Message_DAGIOL 0x0005f0 _Message_DAGOSM 0x000602 _Message_DAGOLON 0x000614 _Message_DAGOLONEN 0x000650 _Message_HWCR 0x000674 _Message_HWCROCL 0x00069a _Message_HWCRPWM 0x0006d6 _Message_PWMCR0 0x000752 _Message_PWMCR1 0x0007ce _Message_PWMOUT 0x00080c _Message_PWMMAP 0x00084a _MSSP1_SPI_Initialize 0x000862 _MSSP1_SPI_Exchange8bit 0x00087c _MSSP1_SPI_Exchange8bitBuffer 0x0008f0 _MSSP1_SPI_IsBufferFull 0x000904 _MSSP1_SPI_HasWriteCollisionOccured 0x00091a _MSSP1_SPI_HasReceiveOverflowOccured 0x000930 _SPI_slaveSelect 0x000938 _SPI_slaveDeselect 0x000940 _MSSP2_I2C_Initialize 0x00096c _MSSP2_I2C_ReadPointerSet 0x000978 _MSSP2_I2C_WritePointerSet 0x000984 _MSSP2_I2C_ReadPointerGet 0x00098c _MSSP2_I2C_WritePointerGet 0x000994 _MSSP2_I2C_SlaveAddressMaskSet 0x0009a0 _MSSP2_I2C_SlaveAddressSet 0x0009d6 _MSSP2_I2C_StatusCallback 0x000a1a _TMR1_Initialize 0x000a3a _TMR1_Period16BitSet 0x000a48 _TMR1_Period16BitGet 0x000a50 _TMR1_Counter16BitSet 0x000a5e _TMR1_Counter16BitGet 0x000a70 _TMR1_SetInterruptHandler 0x000a80 _TMR1_Start 0x000a8c _TMR1_Stop 0x000a96 _TMR1_GetElapsedThenClear 0x000aac _TMR1_SoftwareCounterGet 0x000ab6 _TMR1_SoftwareCounterClear 0x000abe _main 0x000b10 _CLOCK_Initialize 0x000b7c _PIN_MANAGER_Initialize 0x000ba2 _INTERRUPT_Initialize 0x000bd4 _SYSTEM_Initialize 0xf80000 __FBS.sec 0xf80004 __FGS.sec External Symbols in Program Memory (by name): 0x000b10 _CLOCK_Initialize 0x000ba2 _INTERRUPT_Initialize 0x000862 _MSSP1_SPI_Exchange8bit 0x00087c _MSSP1_SPI_Exchange8bitBuffer 0x00091a _MSSP1_SPI_HasReceiveOverflowOccured 0x000904 _MSSP1_SPI_HasWriteCollisionOccured 0x00084a _MSSP1_SPI_Initialize 0x0008f0 _MSSP1_SPI_IsBufferFull 0x000940 _MSSP2_I2C_Initialize 0x000984 _MSSP2_I2C_ReadPointerGet 0x00096c _MSSP2_I2C_ReadPointerSet 0x000994 _MSSP2_I2C_SlaveAddressMaskSet 0x0009a0 _MSSP2_I2C_SlaveAddressSet 0x0009d6 _MSSP2_I2C_StatusCallback 0x00098c _MSSP2_I2C_WritePointerGet 0x000978 _MSSP2_I2C_WritePointerSet 0x0004ee _Message_BIM 0x0005b4 _Message_DAGIOL 0x000602 _Message_DAGOLON 0x000614 _Message_DAGOLONEN 0x0005f0 _Message_DAGOSM 0x000650 _Message_HWCR 0x000674 _Message_HWCROCL 0x00069a _Message_HWCRPWM 0x0005a2 _Message_INST 0x00052a _Message_MAPIN0 0x000566 _Message_MAPIN1 0x000464 _Message_OUT 0x0006d6 _Message_PWMCR0 0x000752 _Message_PWMCR1 0x00080c _Message_PWMMAP 0x0007ce _Message_PWMOUT 0x000b7c _PIN_MANAGER_Initialize 0x000938 _SPI_slaveDeselect 0x000930 _SPI_slaveSelect 0x000bd4 _SYSTEM_Initialize 0x000a5e _TMR1_Counter16BitGet 0x000a50 _TMR1_Counter16BitSet 0x000a96 _TMR1_GetElapsedThenClear 0x000a1a _TMR1_Initialize 0x000a48 _TMR1_Period16BitGet 0x000a3a _TMR1_Period16BitSet 0x000a70 _TMR1_SetInterruptHandler 0x000ab6 _TMR1_SoftwareCounterClear 0x000aac _TMR1_SoftwareCounterGet 0x000a80 _TMR1_Start 0x000a8c _TMR1_Stop 0x0003ee __AddressError 0x00045e __DefaultInterrupt 0xf80000 __FBS.sec 0xf80004 __FGS.sec 0x0002cc __MSSP2Interrupt 0x00040e __MathError 0x0003ac __OscillatorFail 0x0003cc __StackError 0x00042e __T1Interrupt 0x000252 __data_init 0x000252 __data_init_standard 0x00023c __psv_init 0x000200 __resetPRI 0x000abe _main Memory Configuration Name Origin Length Attributes data 0x000800 0x000800 a !xr reset 0x000000 0x000004 ivt 0x000004 0x0000fc _reserved 0x000100 0x000004 aivt 0x000104 0x0000fc program 0x000200 0x002a00 xr eedata 0x7ffe00 0x000200 FBS 0xf80000 0x000002 FGS 0xf80004 0x000002 FOSCSEL 0xf80006 0x000002 FOSC 0xf80008 0x000002 FWDT 0xf8000a 0x000002 FPOR 0xf8000c 0x000002 FICD 0xf8000e 0x000002 *default* 0x000000 0xffffffffffffffff Linker script and memory map LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mcc.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o LOAD build/default/production/main.o LOAD build/default/production/SPI.o LOAD build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o 0x0001 __MPLAB_BUILD = 0x1 LOAD pPIC24Fxxx LOAD /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libfx-elf.a 0xf80000 __FBS = 0xf80000 0xf80004 __FGS = 0xf80004 0xf80006 __FOSCSEL = 0xf80006 0xf80008 __FOSC = 0xf80008 0xf8000a __FWDT = 0xf8000a 0xf8000c __FPOR = 0xf8000c 0xf8000e __FICD = 0xf8000e 0x0001 __NO_HANDLES = 0x1 0x0200 __CODE_BASE = 0x200 0x2a00 __CODE_LENGTH = 0x2a00 0x0004 __IVT_BASE = 0x4 0x0104 __AIVT_BASE = 0x104 0x0800 __DATA_BASE = 0x800 0x0800 __DATA_LENGTH = 0x800 .reset 0x000000 0x4 0x000000 0x2 SHORT 0x200 ABSOLUTE (__reset) 0x000001 0x2 SHORT 0x4 0x000002 0x2 SHORT 0x0 ((ABSOLUTE (__reset) >> 0x10) & 0x7f) 0x000003 0x2 SHORT 0x0 .text 0x000200 0x264 *(.init) .init 0x000200 0x4c /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) 0x000200 __reset 0x000200 __resetPRI 0x00023c __psv_init .init 0x00024c 0x7c /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(data_init_standard.o) 0x000252 __data_init 0x000252 __data_init_standard *(.user_init) *(.handle) *(.isr*) .isr.text 0x0002cc 0xe0 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o 0x0002cc __MSSP2Interrupt .isr.text 0x0003ac 0x82 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o 0x0003ac __OscillatorFail 0x0003cc __StackError 0x0003ee __AddressError 0x00040e __MathError .isr.text 0x00042e 0x30 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o 0x00042e __T1Interrupt .isr 0x00045e 0x4 default_isr 0x00045e __DefaultInterrupt *(.libc) *(.libm) *(.libdsp) *(.lib*) .libpic30_crt_start_mode 0x000462 0x2 /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(crt_start_mode_normal.Meo) 0x000462 __crt_start_mode_normal 0x000462 __crt_start_mode usercode *(usercode) __FBS 0xf80000 0x2 *(__FBS.sec*) __FBS.sec 0xf80000 0x2 /CW/_FBSx0 Ôþ\ 0xf80000 __FBS.sec __FGS 0xf80004 0x2 *(__FGS.sec*) __FGS.sec 0xf80004 0x2 /CW/_FGS¨lŸÔþ\ 0xf80004 __FGS.sec __FOSCSEL *(__FOSCSEL.sec*) __FOSC *(__FOSC.sec*) __FWDT *(__FWDT.sec*) __FPOR *(__FPOR.sec*) __FICD *(__FICD.sec*) .comment *(.comment) .debug_info 0x000000 0x3c77 *(.debug_info) .debug_info 0x000000 0x525 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_info 0x000525 0x28b build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_info 0x0007b0 0x2ea build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_info 0x000a9a 0xe28 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_info 0x0018c2 0x327 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_info 0x001be9 0x390 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_info 0x001f79 0x935 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_info 0x0028ae 0x3fb build/default/production/main.o .debug_info 0x002ca9 0x534 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_info 0x0031dd 0xa9a build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o *(.gnu.linkonce.wi.*) .debug_abbrev 0x000000 0x967 *(.debug_abbrev) .debug_abbrev 0x000000 0xb4 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_abbrev 0x0000b4 0x59 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_abbrev 0x00010d 0x6a build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_abbrev 0x000177 0x1d7 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_abbrev 0x00034e 0xb4 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_abbrev 0x000402 0x10d build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_abbrev 0x00050f 0x1 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mcc.o .debug_abbrev 0x000510 0x11c build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_abbrev 0x00062c 0xd9 build/default/production/main.o .debug_abbrev 0x000705 0xd5 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_abbrev 0x0007da 0x18d build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o .debug_line 0x000000 0xb82 *(.debug_line) .debug_line 0x000000 0x110 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_line 0x000110 0x10d build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_line 0x00021d 0x114 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_line 0x000331 0x185 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_line 0x0004b6 0x10a build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_line 0x0005c0 0x135 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_line 0x0006f5 0x1a build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mcc.o .debug_line 0x00070f 0x136 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_line 0x000845 0x106 build/default/production/main.o .debug_line 0x00094b 0xe9 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_line 0x000a34 0x14e build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o .debug_frame 0x000000 0x760 *(.debug_frame) .debug_frame 0x000000 0x2e build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_frame 0x00002e 0x2e build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_frame 0x00005c 0x2e build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_frame 0x00008a 0x110 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_frame 0x00019a 0x2e build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_frame 0x0001c8 0x140 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_frame 0x000308 0xec build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_frame 0x0003f4 0x2e build/default/production/main.o .debug_frame 0x000422 0x1b4 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_frame 0x0005d6 0x18a build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o .debug_str 0x000000 0x153 *(.debug_str) .debug_str 0x000000 0x13 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_str 0x000013 0x62 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_str 0x000075 0xc build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_str 0x000081 0xc build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_str 0x00008d 0x47 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_str 0x0000d4 0x1c build/default/production/main.o .debug_str 0x0000f0 0x28 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_str 0x000118 0x3b build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o .debug_loc *(.debug_loc) .debug_macinfo *(.debug_macinfo) .debug_pubnames 0x000000 0x687 *(.debug_pubnames) .debug_pubnames 0x000000 0x2b build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_pubnames 0x00002b 0x27 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_pubnames 0x000052 0x2d build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_pubnames 0x00007f 0x157 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_pubnames 0x0001d6 0x28 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_pubnames 0x0001fe 0x6f build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_pubnames 0x00026d 0xfb build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_pubnames 0x000368 0x29 build/default/production/main.o .debug_pubnames 0x000391 0x1a0 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_pubnames 0x000531 0x156 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o .debug_ranges *(.debug_ranges) .debug_aranges 0x000000 0xf0 *(.debug_aranges) .debug_aranges 0x000000 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_aranges 0x000018 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_aranges 0x000030 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_aranges 0x000048 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_aranges 0x000060 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_aranges 0x000078 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_aranges 0x000090 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_aranges 0x0000a8 0x18 build/default/production/main.o .debug_aranges 0x0000c0 0x18 build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_aranges 0x0000d8 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o 0x0000 WREG0 = 0x0 0x0000 _WREG0 = 0x0 0x0002 WREG1 = 0x2 0x0002 _WREG1 = 0x2 0x0004 WREG2 = 0x4 0x0004 _WREG2 = 0x4 0x0006 WREG3 = 0x6 0x0006 _WREG3 = 0x6 0x0008 WREG4 = 0x8 0x0008 _WREG4 = 0x8 0x000a WREG5 = 0xa 0x000a _WREG5 = 0xa 0x000c WREG6 = 0xc 0x000c _WREG6 = 0xc 0x000e WREG7 = 0xe 0x000e _WREG7 = 0xe 0x0010 WREG8 = 0x10 0x0010 _WREG8 = 0x10 0x0012 WREG9 = 0x12 0x0012 _WREG9 = 0x12 0x0014 WREG10 = 0x14 0x0014 _WREG10 = 0x14 0x0016 WREG11 = 0x16 0x0016 _WREG11 = 0x16 0x0018 WREG12 = 0x18 0x0018 _WREG12 = 0x18 0x001a WREG13 = 0x1a 0x001a _WREG13 = 0x1a 0x001c WREG14 = 0x1c 0x001c _WREG14 = 0x1c 0x001e WREG15 = 0x1e 0x001e _WREG15 = 0x1e 0x0020 SPLIM = 0x20 0x0020 _SPLIM = 0x20 0x002e PCL = 0x2e 0x002e _PCL = 0x2e 0x0030 PCH = 0x30 0x0030 _PCH = 0x30 0x0032 TBLPAG = 0x32 0x0032 _TBLPAG = 0x32 0x0032 _TBLPAGbits = 0x32 0x0034 PSVPAG = 0x34 0x0034 _PSVPAG = 0x34 0x0034 _PSVPAGbits = 0x34 0x0036 RCOUNT = 0x36 0x0036 _RCOUNT = 0x36 0x0042 SR = 0x42 0x0042 _SR = 0x42 0x0042 _SRbits = 0x42 0x0044 CORCON = 0x44 0x0044 _CORCON = 0x44 0x0044 _CORCONbits = 0x44 0x0052 DISICNT = 0x52 0x0052 _DISICNT = 0x52 0x0052 _DISICNTbits = 0x52 0x0056 CNPD1 = 0x56 0x0056 _CNPD1 = 0x56 0x0056 _CNPD1bits = 0x56 0x0058 CNPD2 = 0x58 0x0058 _CNPD2 = 0x58 0x0058 _CNPD2bits = 0x58 0x0062 CNEN1 = 0x62 0x0062 _CNEN1 = 0x62 0x0062 _CNEN1bits = 0x62 0x0064 CNEN2 = 0x64 0x0064 _CNEN2 = 0x64 0x0064 _CNEN2bits = 0x64 0x006e CNPU1 = 0x6e 0x006e _CNPU1 = 0x6e 0x006e _CNPU1bits = 0x6e 0x0070 CNPU2 = 0x70 0x0070 _CNPU2 = 0x70 0x0070 _CNPU2bits = 0x70 0x0080 INTCON1 = 0x80 0x0080 _INTCON1 = 0x80 0x0080 _INTCON1bits = 0x80 0x0082 INTCON2 = 0x82 0x0082 _INTCON2 = 0x82 0x0082 _INTCON2bits = 0x82 0x0084 IFS0 = 0x84 0x0084 _IFS0 = 0x84 0x0084 _IFS0bits = 0x84 0x0086 IFS1 = 0x86 0x0086 _IFS1 = 0x86 0x0086 _IFS1bits = 0x86 0x0088 IFS2 = 0x88 0x0088 _IFS2 = 0x88 0x0088 _IFS2bits = 0x88 0x008a IFS3 = 0x8a 0x008a _IFS3 = 0x8a 0x008a _IFS3bits = 0x8a 0x008c IFS4 = 0x8c 0x008c _IFS4 = 0x8c 0x008c _IFS4bits = 0x8c 0x008e IFS5 = 0x8e 0x008e _IFS5 = 0x8e 0x008e _IFS5bits = 0x8e 0x0090 IFS6 = 0x90 0x0090 _IFS6 = 0x90 0x0090 _IFS6bits = 0x90 0x0094 IEC0 = 0x94 0x0094 _IEC0 = 0x94 0x0094 _IEC0bits = 0x94 0x0096 IEC1 = 0x96 0x0096 _IEC1 = 0x96 0x0096 _IEC1bits = 0x96 0x0098 IEC2 = 0x98 0x0098 _IEC2 = 0x98 0x0098 _IEC2bits = 0x98 0x009a IEC3 = 0x9a 0x009a _IEC3 = 0x9a 0x009a _IEC3bits = 0x9a 0x009c IEC4 = 0x9c 0x009c _IEC4 = 0x9c 0x009c _IEC4bits = 0x9c 0x009e IEC5 = 0x9e 0x009e _IEC5 = 0x9e 0x009e _IEC5bits = 0x9e 0x00a0 IEC6 = 0xa0 0x00a0 _IEC6 = 0xa0 0x00a0 _IEC6bits = 0xa0 0x00a4 IPC0 = 0xa4 0x00a4 _IPC0 = 0xa4 0x00a4 _IPC0bits = 0xa4 0x00a6 IPC1 = 0xa6 0x00a6 _IPC1 = 0xa6 0x00a6 _IPC1bits = 0xa6 0x00a8 IPC2 = 0xa8 0x00a8 _IPC2 = 0xa8 0x00a8 _IPC2bits = 0xa8 0x00aa IPC3 = 0xaa 0x00aa _IPC3 = 0xaa 0x00aa _IPC3bits = 0xaa 0x00ac IPC4 = 0xac 0x00ac _IPC4 = 0xac 0x00ac _IPC4bits = 0xac 0x00ae IPC5 = 0xae 0x00ae _IPC5 = 0xae 0x00ae _IPC5bits = 0xae 0x00b0 IPC6 = 0xb0 0x00b0 _IPC6 = 0xb0 0x00b0 _IPC6bits = 0xb0 0x00b2 IPC7 = 0xb2 0x00b2 _IPC7 = 0xb2 0x00b2 _IPC7bits = 0xb2 0x00b8 IPC10 = 0xb8 0x00b8 _IPC10 = 0xb8 0x00b8 _IPC10bits = 0xb8 0x00bc IPC12 = 0xbc 0x00bc _IPC12 = 0xbc 0x00bc _IPC12bits = 0xbc 0x00c2 IPC15 = 0xc2 0x00c2 _IPC15 = 0xc2 0x00c2 _IPC15bits = 0xc2 0x00c4 IPC16 = 0xc4 0x00c4 _IPC16 = 0xc4 0x00c4 _IPC16bits = 0xc4 0x00c8 IPC18 = 0xc8 0x00c8 _IPC18 = 0xc8 0x00c8 _IPC18bits = 0xc8 0x00ca IPC19 = 0xca 0x00ca _IPC19 = 0xca 0x00ca _IPC19bits = 0xca 0x00cc IPC20 = 0xcc 0x00cc _IPC20 = 0xcc 0x00cc _IPC20bits = 0xcc 0x00d4 IPC24 = 0xd4 0x00d4 _IPC24 = 0xd4 0x00d4 _IPC24bits = 0xd4 0x00e0 INTTREG = 0xe0 0x00e0 _INTTREG = 0xe0 0x00e0 _INTTREGbits = 0xe0 0x0100 TMR1 = 0x100 0x0100 _TMR1 = 0x100 0x0102 PR1 = 0x102 0x0102 _PR1 = 0x102 0x0104 T1CON = 0x104 0x0104 _T1CON = 0x104 0x0104 _T1CONbits = 0x104 0x0122 CLC1CONL = 0x122 0x0122 _CLC1CONL = 0x122 0x0122 _CLC1CONLbits = 0x122 0x0124 CLC1CONH = 0x124 0x0124 _CLC1CONH = 0x124 0x0124 _CLC1CONHbits = 0x124 0x0126 CLC1SEL = 0x126 0x0126 _CLC1SEL = 0x126 0x0126 _CLC1SELbits = 0x126 0x0126 CLC1SELL = 0x126 0x0126 _CLC1SELL = 0x126 0x0126 _CLC1SELLbits = 0x126 0x012a CLC1GLSL = 0x12a 0x012a _CLC1GLSL = 0x12a 0x012a _CLC1GLSLbits = 0x12a 0x012c CLC1GLSH = 0x12c 0x012c _CLC1GLSH = 0x12c 0x012c _CLC1GLSHbits = 0x12c 0x012e CLC2CONL = 0x12e 0x012e _CLC2CONL = 0x12e 0x012e _CLC2CONLbits = 0x12e 0x0130 CLC2CONH = 0x130 0x0130 _CLC2CONH = 0x130 0x0130 _CLC2CONHbits = 0x130 0x0132 CLC2SEL = 0x132 0x0132 _CLC2SEL = 0x132 0x0132 _CLC2SELbits = 0x132 0x0132 CLC2SELL = 0x132 0x0132 _CLC2SELL = 0x132 0x0132 _CLC2SELLbits = 0x132 0x0136 CLC2GLSL = 0x136 0x0136 _CLC2GLSL = 0x136 0x0136 _CLC2GLSLbits = 0x136 0x0138 CLC2GLSH = 0x138 0x0138 _CLC2GLSH = 0x138 0x0138 _CLC2GLSHbits = 0x138 0x0140 CCP1CON1L = 0x140 0x0140 _CCP1CON1L = 0x140 0x0140 _CCP1CON1Lbits = 0x140 0x0142 CCP1CON1H = 0x142 0x0142 _CCP1CON1H = 0x142 0x0142 _CCP1CON1Hbits = 0x142 0x0144 CCP1CON2L = 0x144 0x0144 _CCP1CON2L = 0x144 0x0144 _CCP1CON2Lbits = 0x144 0x0146 CCP1CON2H = 0x146 0x0146 _CCP1CON2H = 0x146 0x0146 _CCP1CON2Hbits = 0x146 0x0148 CCP1CON3L = 0x148 0x0148 _CCP1CON3L = 0x148 0x0148 _CCP1CON3Lbits = 0x148 0x014a CCP1CON3H = 0x14a 0x014a _CCP1CON3H = 0x14a 0x014a _CCP1CON3Hbits = 0x14a 0x014c CCP1STAT = 0x14c 0x014c _CCP1STAT = 0x14c 0x014c _CCP1STATbits = 0x14c 0x014c CCP1STATL = 0x14c 0x014c _CCP1STATL = 0x14c 0x014c _CCP1STATLbits = 0x14c 0x0150 CCP1TMRL = 0x150 0x0150 _CCP1TMRL = 0x150 0x0152 CCP1TMRH = 0x152 0x0152 _CCP1TMRH = 0x152 0x0154 CCP1PRL = 0x154 0x0154 _CCP1PRL = 0x154 0x0156 CCP1PRH = 0x156 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0x0176 CCP2TMRH = 0x176 0x0176 _CCP2TMRH = 0x176 0x0178 CCP2PRL = 0x178 0x0178 _CCP2PRL = 0x178 0x017a CCP2PRH = 0x17a 0x017a _CCP2PRH = 0x17a 0x017c CCP2RA = 0x17c 0x017c _CCP2RA = 0x17c 0x017c CCP2RAL = 0x17c 0x017c _CCP2RAL = 0x17c 0x0180 CCP2RB = 0x180 0x0180 _CCP2RB = 0x180 0x0180 CCP2RBL = 0x180 0x0180 _CCP2RBL = 0x180 0x0184 CCP2BUFL = 0x184 0x0184 _CCP2BUFL = 0x184 0x0186 CCP2BUFH = 0x186 0x0186 _CCP2BUFH = 0x186 0x0188 CCP3CON1L = 0x188 0x0188 _CCP3CON1L = 0x188 0x0188 _CCP3CON1Lbits = 0x188 0x018a CCP3CON1H = 0x18a 0x018a _CCP3CON1H = 0x18a 0x018a _CCP3CON1Hbits = 0x18a 0x018c CCP3CON2L = 0x18c 0x018c _CCP3CON2L = 0x18c 0x018c _CCP3CON2Lbits = 0x18c 0x018e CCP3CON2H = 0x18e 0x018e _CCP3CON2H = 0x18e 0x018e _CCP3CON2Hbits = 0x18e 0x0190 CCP3CON3L = 0x190 0x0190 _CCP3CON3L = 0x190 0x0190 _CCP3CON3Lbits = 0x190 0x0192 CCP3CON3H = 0x192 0x0192 _CCP3CON3H = 0x192 0x0192 _CCP3CON3Hbits = 0x192 0x0194 CCP3STAT = 0x194 0x0194 _CCP3STAT = 0x194 0x0194 _CCP3STATbits = 0x194 0x0194 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_SSP1CON3bits = 0x206 0x0208 SSP1STAT = 0x208 0x0208 _SSP1STAT = 0x208 0x0208 _SSP1STATbits = 0x208 0x020a I2C1ADD = 0x20a 0x020a _I2C1ADD = 0x20a 0x020a _I2C1ADDbits = 0x20a 0x020a I2C1BRG = 0x20a 0x020a _I2C1BRG = 0x20a 0x020a _I2C1BRGbits = 0x20a 0x020a SSP1ADD = 0x20a 0x020a _SSP1ADD = 0x20a 0x020a _SSP1ADDbits = 0x20a 0x020a SSP1BRG = 0x20a 0x020a _SSP1BRG = 0x20a 0x020a _SSP1BRGbits = 0x20a 0x020c I2C1MSK = 0x20c 0x020c _I2C1MSK = 0x20c 0x020c _I2C1MSKbits = 0x20c 0x020c SSP1MSK = 0x20c 0x020c _SSP1MSK = 0x20c 0x020c _SSP1MSKbits = 0x20c 0x0210 SPI2BUF = 0x210 0x0210 _SPI2BUF = 0x210 0x0210 _SPI2BUFbits = 0x210 0x0210 SSP2BUF = 0x210 0x0210 _SSP2BUF = 0x210 0x0210 _SSP2BUFbits = 0x210 0x0212 SSP2CON1 = 0x212 0x0212 _SSP2CON1 = 0x212 0x0212 _SSP2CON1bits = 0x212 0x0214 SSP2CON2 = 0x214 0x0214 _SSP2CON2 = 0x214 0x0214 _SSP2CON2bits = 0x214 0x0216 SSP2CON3 = 0x216 0x0216 _SSP2CON3 = 0x216 0x0216 _SSP2CON3bits = 0x216 0x0218 SSP2STAT = 0x218 0x0218 _SSP2STAT = 0x218 0x0218 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0x238 0x0238 _U2BRG = 0x238 0x024a AMP1CON = 0x24a 0x024a _AMP1CON = 0x24a 0x024a _AMP1CONbits = 0x24a 0x024c AMP2CON = 0x24c 0x024c _AMP2CON = 0x24c 0x024c _AMP2CONbits = 0x24c 0x0274 DAC1CON = 0x274 0x0274 _DAC1CON = 0x274 0x0274 _DAC1CONbits = 0x274 0x0276 DAC1DAT = 0x276 0x0276 _DAC1DAT = 0x276 0x0278 DAC2CON = 0x278 0x0278 _DAC2CON = 0x278 0x0278 _DAC2CONbits = 0x278 0x027a DAC2DAT = 0x27a 0x027a _DAC2DAT = 0x27a 0x02c0 TRISA = 0x2c0 0x02c0 _TRISA = 0x2c0 0x02c0 _TRISAbits = 0x2c0 0x02c2 PORTA = 0x2c2 0x02c2 _PORTA = 0x2c2 0x02c2 _PORTAbits = 0x2c2 0x02c4 LATA = 0x2c4 0x02c4 _LATA = 0x2c4 0x02c4 _LATAbits = 0x2c4 0x02c6 ODCA = 0x2c6 0x02c6 _ODCA = 0x2c6 0x02c6 _ODCAbits = 0x2c6 0x02c8 TRISB = 0x2c8 0x02c8 _TRISB = 0x2c8 0x02c8 _TRISBbits = 0x2c8 0x02ca PORTB = 0x2ca 0x02ca _PORTB = 0x2ca 0x02ca _PORTBbits = 0x2ca 0x02cc LATB = 0x2cc 0x02cc _LATB = 0x2cc 0x02cc _LATBbits = 0x2cc 0x02ce ODCB = 0x2ce 0x02ce _ODCB = 0x2ce 0x02ce _ODCBbits = 0x2ce 0x02fc PADCFG1 = 0x2fc 0x02fc _PADCFG1 = 0x2fc 0x02fc _PADCFG1bits = 0x2fc 0x0300 ADC1BUF0 = 0x300 0x0300 _ADC1BUF0 = 0x300 0x0302 ADC1BUF1 = 0x302 0x0302 _ADC1BUF1 = 0x302 0x0304 ADC1BUF2 = 0x304 0x0304 _ADC1BUF2 = 0x304 0x0306 ADC1BUF3 = 0x306 0x0306 _ADC1BUF3 = 0x306 0x0308 ADC1BUF4 = 0x308 0x0308 _ADC1BUF4 = 0x308 0x030a ADC1BUF5 = 0x30a 0x030a _ADC1BUF5 = 0x30a 0x030c ADC1BUF6 = 0x30c 0x030c _ADC1BUF6 = 0x30c 0x030e ADC1BUF7 = 0x30e 0x030e _ADC1BUF7 = 0x30e 0x0310 ADC1BUF8 = 0x310 0x0310 _ADC1BUF8 = 0x310 0x0312 ADC1BUF9 = 0x312 0x0312 _ADC1BUF9 = 0x312 0x0314 ADC1BUF10 = 0x314 0x0314 _ADC1BUF10 = 0x314 0x0316 ADC1BUF11 = 0x316 0x0316 _ADC1BUF11 = 0x316 0x0318 ADC1BUF12 = 0x318 0x0318 _ADC1BUF12 = 0x318 0x031a ADC1BUF13 = 0x31a 0x031a _ADC1BUF13 = 0x31a 0x031c ADC1BUF14 = 0x31c 0x031c _ADC1BUF14 = 0x31c 0x031e ADC1BUF15 = 0x31e 0x031e _ADC1BUF15 = 0x31e 0x0320 ADC1BUF16 = 0x320 0x0320 _ADC1BUF16 = 0x320 0x0322 ADC1BUF17 = 0x322 0x0322 _ADC1BUF17 = 0x322 0x0324 ADC1BUF18 = 0x324 0x0324 _ADC1BUF18 = 0x324 0x0326 ADC1BUF19 = 0x326 0x0326 _ADC1BUF19 = 0x326 0x0328 ADC1BUF20 = 0x328 0x0328 _ADC1BUF20 = 0x328 0x032a ADC1BUF21 = 0x32a 0x032a _ADC1BUF21 = 0x32a 0x032c ADC1BUF22 = 0x32c 0x032c _ADC1BUF22 = 0x32c 0x032e ADC1BUF23 = 0x32e 0x032e _ADC1BUF23 = 0x32e 0x0340 AD1CON1 = 0x340 0x0340 _AD1CON1 = 0x340 0x0340 _AD1CON1bits = 0x340 0x0342 AD1CON2 = 0x342 0x0342 _AD1CON2 = 0x342 0x0342 _AD1CON2bits = 0x342 0x0344 AD1CON3 = 0x344 0x0344 _AD1CON3 = 0x344 0x0344 _AD1CON3bits = 0x344 0x0348 AD1CHS = 0x348 0x0348 _AD1CHS = 0x348 0x0348 _AD1CHSbits = 0x348 0x0348 AD1CHS0 = 0x348 0x0348 _AD1CHS0 = 0x348 0x0348 _AD1CHS0bits = 0x348 0x034e AD1CSSH = 0x34e 0x034e _AD1CSSH = 0x34e 0x034e _AD1CSSHbits = 0x34e 0x0350 AD1CSSL = 0x350 0x0350 _AD1CSSL = 0x350 0x0350 _AD1CSSLbits = 0x350 0x0354 AD1CON5 = 0x354 0x0354 _AD1CON5 = 0x354 0x0354 _AD1CON5bits = 0x354 0x0356 AD1CHITH = 0x356 0x0356 _AD1CHITH = 0x356 0x0356 _AD1CHITHbits = 0x356 0x0358 AD1CHITL = 0x358 0x0358 _AD1CHITL = 0x358 0x0358 _AD1CHITLbits = 0x358 0x035a CTMUCON1L = 0x35a 0x035a _CTMUCON1L = 0x35a 0x035a _CTMUCON1Lbits = 0x35a 0x035c CTMUCON1H = 0x35c 0x035c _CTMUCON1H = 0x35c 0x035c _CTMUCON1Hbits = 0x35c 0x035e CTMUCON2 = 0x35e 0x035e _CTMUCON2 = 0x35e 0x035e _CTMUCON2bits = 0x35e 0x035e CTMUCON2L = 0x35e 0x035e _CTMUCON2L = 0x35e 0x035e _CTMUCON2Lbits = 0x35e 0x0360 AD1CTMENH = 0x360 0x0360 _AD1CTMENH = 0x360 0x0360 _AD1CTMENHbits = 0x360 0x0362 AD1CTMENL = 0x362 0x0362 _AD1CTMENL = 0x362 0x0362 _AD1CTMENLbits = 0x362 0x04e0 ANSA = 0x4e0 0x04e0 _ANSA = 0x4e0 0x04e0 _ANSAbits = 0x4e0 0x04e0 ANSELA = 0x4e0 0x04e0 _ANSELA = 0x4e0 0x04e0 _ANSELAbits = 0x4e0 0x04e2 ANSB = 0x4e2 0x04e2 _ANSB = 0x4e2 0x04e2 _ANSBbits = 0x4e2 0x04e2 ANSELB = 0x4e2 0x04e2 _ANSELB = 0x4e2 0x04e2 _ANSELBbits = 0x4e2 0x0620 ALRMVAL = 0x620 0x0620 _ALRMVAL = 0x620 0x0622 ALCFGRPT = 0x622 0x0622 _ALCFGRPT = 0x622 0x0622 _ALCFGRPTbits = 0x622 0x0624 RTCVAL = 0x624 0x0624 _RTCVAL = 0x624 0x0626 RCFGCAL = 0x626 0x0626 _RCFGCAL = 0x626 0x0626 _RCFGCALbits = 0x626 0x0628 RTCPWC = 0x628 0x0628 _RTCPWC = 0x628 0x0628 _RTCPWCbits = 0x628 0x0630 CMSTAT = 0x630 0x0630 _CMSTAT = 0x630 0x0630 _CMSTATbits = 0x630 0x0632 CVRCON = 0x632 0x0632 _CVRCON = 0x632 0x0632 _CVRCONbits = 0x632 0x0634 CM1CON = 0x634 0x0634 _CM1CON = 0x634 0x0634 _CM1CONbits = 0x634 0x0636 CM2CON = 0x636 0x0636 _CM2CON = 0x636 0x0636 _CM2CONbits = 0x636 0x0638 CM3CON = 0x638 0x0638 _CM3CON = 0x638 0x0638 _CM3CONbits = 0x638 0x0670 BUFCON0 = 0x670 0x0670 _BUFCON0 = 0x670 0x0670 _BUFCON0bits = 0x670 0x0740 RCON = 0x740 0x0740 _RCON = 0x740 0x0740 _RCONbits = 0x740 0x0742 OSCCON = 0x742 0x0742 _OSCCON = 0x742 0x0742 _OSCCONbits = 0x742 0x0742 OSCCONL = 0x742 0x0742 _OSCCONL = 0x742 0x0743 OSCCONH = 0x743 0x0743 _OSCCONH = 0x743 0x0744 CLKDIV = 0x744 0x0744 _CLKDIV = 0x744 0x0744 _CLKDIVbits = 0x744 0x0748 OSCTUN = 0x748 0x0748 _OSCTUN = 0x748 0x0748 _OSCTUNbits = 0x748 0x074e REFOCON = 0x74e 0x074e _REFOCON = 0x74e 0x074e _REFOCONbits = 0x74e 0x0756 HLVDCON = 0x756 0x0756 _HLVDCON = 0x756 0x0756 _HLVDCONbits = 0x756 0x0760 NVMCON = 0x760 0x0760 _NVMCON = 0x760 0x0760 _NVMCONbits = 0x760 0x0766 NVMKEY = 0x766 0x0766 _NVMKEY = 0x766 0x0766 _NVMKEYbits = 0x766 0x0768 ULPWCON = 0x768 0x0768 _ULPWCON = 0x768 0x0768 _ULPWCONbits = 0x768 0x0770 PMD1 = 0x770 0x0770 _PMD1 = 0x770 0x0770 _PMD1bits = 0x770 0x0772 PMD2 = 0x772 0x0772 _PMD2 = 0x772 0x0772 _PMD2bits = 0x772 0x0774 PMD3 = 0x774 0x0774 _PMD3 = 0x774 0x0774 _PMD3bits = 0x774 0x0776 PMD4 = 0x776 0x0776 _PMD4 = 0x776 0x0776 _PMD4bits = 0x776 0x077a PMD6 = 0x77a 0x077a _PMD6 = 0x77a 0x077a _PMD6bits = 0x77a 0x077e PMD8 = 0x77e 0x077e _PMD8 = 0x77e 0x077e _PMD8bits = 0x77e 0x0220 UART1 = 0x220 0x0220 _UART1 = 0x220 0x0230 UART2 = 0x230 0x0230 _UART2 = 0x230 START GROUP LOAD /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a LOAD /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libm-elf.a LOAD /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-elf.a END GROUP OUTPUT(dist/default/production/resbox.X.production.elf elf32-pic30) LOAD /CW/_FGS¨lŸÔþ\ LOAD /CW/_FBSx0 Ôþ\ LOAD jump_table LOAD default_isr LOAD data_init .debug_pubtypes 0x0000f0 0x42c .debug_pubtypes 0x0000f0 0x5b build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o .debug_pubtypes 0x00014b 0x2b build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o .debug_pubtypes 0x000176 0x1f build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o .debug_pubtypes 0x000195 0x114 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .debug_pubtypes 0x0002a9 0x42 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .debug_pubtypes 0x0002eb 0x4e build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .debug_pubtypes 0x000339 0x92 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o .debug_pubtypes 0x0003cb 0x65 build/default/production/main.o .debug_pubtypes 0x000430 0x2b build/default/production/SPI.o .debug_pubtypes 0x00045b 0xc1 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o __c30_signature 0x00051c 0x4e __c30_signature 0x00051c 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o __c30_signature 0x000522 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o __c30_signature 0x000528 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o __c30_signature 0x00052e 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o __c30_signature 0x000534 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o __c30_signature 0x00053a 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o __c30_signature 0x000540 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mcc.o __c30_signature 0x000546 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o __c30_signature 0x00054c 0x6 build/default/production/main.o __c30_signature 0x000552 0x6 build/default/production/SPI.o __c30_signature 0x000558 0x6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o __c30_signature 0x00055e 0x6 /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) __c30_signature 0x000564 0x6 /opt/microchip/xc16/v2.10/bin/bin/../../lib/libc99-pic30-elf.a(data_init_standard.o) .nbss 0x0800 0x4a .nbss 0x0800 0x20 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .nbss 0x0820 0x16 build/default/production/SPI.o 0x0820 _WriteBuffer 0x0826 _ReadBuffer 0x082c _writeData 0x082e _readData 0x0830 _addr0 0x0831 _addr1 0x0832 _write 0x0834 _total .nbss 0x0836 0x14 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o 0x083e _yeah 0x083f _index 0x0840 _temp 0x0841 _i2cArray .ndata 0x084a 0xa .ndata 0x084a 0xa build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o 0x084a _slaveAddress 0x084b _regAdd .nbss 0x0854 0x4 .nbss 0x0854 0x4 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o 0x0854 _TMR1_InterruptHandler .ndata 0x0858 0x2 .ndata 0x0858 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .nbss 0x085a 0x2 .nbss 0x085a 0x2 build/default/production/main.o 0x085a _nullarray .ivt._MSSP2Interrupt 0x000076 0x2 .ivt._MSSP2Interrupt 0x000076 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o .config_ICS 0xf8000e 0x2 .config_ICS 0xf8000e 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .config_MCLRE 0xf8000c 0x2 .config_MCLRE 0xf8000c 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .config_WINDIS 0xf8000a 0x2 .config_WINDIS 0xf8000a 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .config_FCKSM 0xf80008 0x2 .config_FCKSM 0xf80008 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .config_IESO 0xf80006 0x2 .config_IESO 0xf80006 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o .ivt._OscillatorFail 0x000006 0x2 .ivt._OscillatorFail 0x000006 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .ivt._StackError 0x00000a 0x2 .ivt._StackError 0x00000a 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .ivt._AddressError 0x000008 0x2 .ivt._AddressError 0x000008 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .ivt._MathError 0x00000c 0x2 .ivt._MathError 0x00000c 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o .ivt._T1Interrupt 0x00001a 0x2 .ivt._T1Interrupt 0x00001a 0x2 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o .text 0x000464 0x6e2 .text 0x000464 0x3e6 build/default/production/SPI.o 0x000464 _Message_OUT 0x0004ee _Message_BIM 0x00052a _Message_MAPIN0 0x000566 _Message_MAPIN1 0x0005a2 _Message_INST 0x0005b4 _Message_DAGIOL 0x0005f0 _Message_DAGOSM 0x000602 _Message_DAGOLON 0x000614 _Message_DAGOLONEN 0x000650 _Message_HWCR 0x000674 _Message_HWCROCL 0x00069a _Message_HWCRPWM 0x0006d6 _Message_PWMCR0 0x000752 _Message_PWMCR1 0x0007ce _Message_PWMOUT 0x00080c _Message_PWMMAP .text 0x00084a 0xf6 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp1_spi.o 0x00084a _MSSP1_SPI_Initialize 0x000862 _MSSP1_SPI_Exchange8bit 0x00087c _MSSP1_SPI_Exchange8bitBuffer 0x0008f0 _MSSP1_SPI_IsBufferFull 0x000904 _MSSP1_SPI_HasWriteCollisionOccured 0x00091a _MSSP1_SPI_HasReceiveOverflowOccured 0x000930 _SPI_slaveSelect 0x000938 _SPI_slaveDeselect .text 0x000940 0xda build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/mssp2_i2c.o 0x000940 _MSSP2_I2C_Initialize 0x00096c _MSSP2_I2C_ReadPointerSet 0x000978 _MSSP2_I2C_WritePointerSet 0x000984 _MSSP2_I2C_ReadPointerGet 0x00098c _MSSP2_I2C_WritePointerGet 0x000994 _MSSP2_I2C_SlaveAddressMaskSet 0x0009a0 _MSSP2_I2C_SlaveAddressSet 0x0009d6 _MSSP2_I2C_StatusCallback .text 0x000a1a 0xa4 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/tmr1.o 0x000a1a _TMR1_Initialize 0x000a3a _TMR1_Period16BitSet 0x000a48 _TMR1_Period16BitGet 0x000a50 _TMR1_Counter16BitSet 0x000a5e _TMR1_Counter16BitGet 0x000a66 _TMR1_CallBack 0x000a70 _TMR1_SetInterruptHandler 0x000a80 _TMR1_Start 0x000a8c _TMR1_Stop 0x000a96 _TMR1_GetElapsedThenClear 0x000aac _TMR1_SoftwareCounterGet 0x000ab6 _TMR1_SoftwareCounterClear .text 0x000abe 0x52 build/default/production/main.o 0x000abe _main .text 0x000b10 0x36 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/clock.o 0x000b10 _CLOCK_Initialize .dinit 0x000b46 0x36 .dinit 0x000b46 0x36 data_init .text 0x000b7c 0x6a .text 0x000b7c 0x26 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/pin_manager.o 0x000b7c _PIN_MANAGER_Initialize .text 0x000ba2 0x1a build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/interrupt_manager.o 0x000ba2 _INTERRUPT_Initialize .text 0x000bbc 0x18 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/traps.o 0x000bbc _TRAPS_halt_on_error .text 0x000bd4 0x12 build/default/production/mcc_generated_files/system.o 0x000bd4 _SYSTEM_Initialize