graph {
// Graph generated by WireViz 0.3.2
graph [bgcolor="#FFFFFF" fontname=arial nodesep=0.33 rankdir=LR ranksep=2]
node [fillcolor="#FFFFFF" fontname=arial height=0 margin=0 shape=none style=filled width=0]
edge [fontname=arial style=bold]
ECUM [label=<
Ignition |
1 |
2 |
Extra Out 1 |
3 |
Extra Out 2 |
4 |
Starter/Exciter |
6 |
12V ECU |
7 |
12V Servo |
8 |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
ECUF [label=<
Starter/Exciter |
1 |
Extra Out 2 |
3 |
Extra Out 1 |
4 |
5 |
Ignition |
6 |
12V Servo |
11 |
12V ECU |
12 |
ECU 12 Pin Connector to Fusebox |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
ECU1 [label=<
B4 |
Extra Output 1 |
C4 |
Extra Output 2 |
L4 |
Engine Ground |
M4 |
ECU 12V |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Coil Pack 1" [label=<
A |
ECU Sig |
A |
B |
Sensor Ground |
B |
C |
Head Ground |
C |
D |
Battery Ground |
D |
E |
Switched 12V |
E |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Coil Pack 2" [label=<
A |
ECU Sig |
A |
B |
Sensor Ground |
B |
C |
Head Ground |
C |
D |
Battery Ground |
D |
E |
Switched 12V |
E |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Coil Pack 3" [label=<
A |
ECU Sig |
A |
B |
Sensor Ground |
B |
C |
Head Ground |
C |
D |
Battery Ground |
D |
E |
Switched 12V |
E |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Coil Pack 4" [label=<
A |
ECU Sig |
A |
B |
Sensor Ground |
B |
C |
Head Ground |
C |
D |
Battery Ground |
D |
E |
Switched 12V |
E |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Fuel Injector 1" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Fuel Injector 2" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"MAF Sensor" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
LSU [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Servo Power" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Fuse Block" [label=<
1 |
F1+ |
2 |
F1- |
3 |
F2+ |
4 |
F2- |
5 |
F3+ |
6 |
F3- |
7 |
F4+ |
8 |
F4- |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
KillSwitch [label=<
Ring Terminal (Inner Diameter.260") |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
Tachometer [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Positive Bus Bar" [label=<
Pike Industries Busbar |
4-pin |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"Negative Bus Bar" [label=<
Pike Industries Busbar |
4-pin |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"_Engine GND_1" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"_Engine GND_2" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"_Engine GND_3" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"_Engine GND_4" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"_Engine GND_5" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
_S_1 [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
"_Engine GND_6" [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style=filled]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p1r:e -- W1:w1:w
W1:w1:e -- "Coil Pack 1":p5l:w
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p1r:e -- W1:w1:w
W1:w1:e -- "Coil Pack 2":p5l:w
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p1r:e -- W1:w1:w
W1:w1:e -- "Coil Pack 3":p5l:w
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p1r:e -- W1:w1:w
W1:w1:e -- "Coil Pack 4":p5l:w
W1 [label=<
ECUM:1:Ignition |
Coil Pack 1:E:Switched 12V |
12 Inch difference between outermost coils. |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p6r:e -- W2:w1:w
W2:w1:e -- "Fuel Injector 2":p1l:w
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
W2:w1:e -- "Fuel Injector 1":p1l:w
W2 [label=<
ECUM:7:12V ECU |
Fuel Injector 2:1:12V |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#00ff00:#000000"]
ECUM:p3r:e -- W3:w1:w
W3:w1:e -- ECU1:p1l:w
edge [color="#000000:#00ff00:#000000"]
ECUM:p4r:e -- W3:w2:w
W3:w2:e -- ECU1:p2l:w
edge [color="#000000:#895956:#000000"]
ECUM:p2r:e -- W3:w3:w
W3:w3:e -- ECU1:p3l:w
edge [color="#000000:#895956:#000000"]
W3:w3:e -- _S_1:w
W3 [label=<
ECUM:3:Extra Out 1 |
ECU1:B4:Extra Output 1 |
ECUM:4:Extra Out 2 |
ECU1:C4:Extra Output 2 |
ECU1:L4:Engine Ground |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUF:p7r:e -- W4:w1:w
W4:w1:e -- "Fuse Block":p2l:w
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUF:p5r:e -- W4:w2:w
W4:w2:e -- "Fuse Block":p4l:w
W4 [label=<
ECUF:12:12V ECU |
Fuse Block:2:F1- |
ECUF:6:Ignition |
Fuse Block:4:F2- |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
"Positive Bus Bar":p3r:e -- W6:w1:w
W6:w1:e -- "Fuse Block":p1l:w
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
"Positive Bus Bar":p3r:e -- W6:w2:w
W6:w2:e -- "Fuse Block":p5l:w
W6 [label=<
Positive Bus Bar:3 |
Fuse Block:1:F1+ |
Positive Bus Bar:3 |
Fuse Block:5:F3+ |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUF:p6r:e -- W7:w1:w
W7:w1:e -- "Fuse Block":p6l:w
W7 [label=<
ECUF:11:12V Servo |
Fuse Block:6:F3- |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
"Positive Bus Bar":p4r:e -- W8:w1:w
W8:w1:e -- KillSwitch:p2l:w
W8 [label=<
Positive Bus Bar:4 |
KillSwitch:2:common |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#999999:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 1":p3r:e -- W10:w1:w
W10:w1:e -- "_Engine GND_1":w
edge [color="#000000:#999999:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 4":p3r:e -- W10:w2:w
W10:w2:e -- "_Engine GND_2":w
W10 [label=<
Coil Pack 1:C:Head Ground |
Coil Pack 4:C:Head Ground |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#999999:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 3":p3r:e -- W19:w1:w
W19:w1:e -- "_Engine GND_3":w
edge [color="#000000:#999999:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 2":p3r:e -- W19:w2:w
W19:w2:e -- "_Engine GND_4":w
W19 [label=<
Coil Pack 3:C:Head Ground |
Coil Pack 2:C:Head Ground |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 1":p4r:e -- W20:w1:w
W20:w1:e -- "Negative Bus Bar":p4l:w
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 2":p4r:e -- W20:w2:w
W20:w2:e -- "Negative Bus Bar":p4l:w
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 3":p4r:e -- W20:w3:w
W20:w3:e -- "Negative Bus Bar":p4l:w
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
"Coil Pack 4":p4r:e -- W20:w4:w
W20:w4:e -- "Negative Bus Bar":p4l:w
W20 [label=<
Coil Pack 1:D:Battery Ground |
Negative Bus Bar:4 |
Coil Pack 2:D:Battery Ground |
Negative Bus Bar:4 |
Coil Pack 3:D:Battery Ground |
Negative Bus Bar:4 |
Coil Pack 4:D:Battery Ground |
Negative Bus Bar:4 |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p7r:e -- W11:w1:w
W11:w1:e -- "Servo Power":p1l:w
W11 [label=<
ECUM:8:12V Servo |
Servo Power:1:12V |
Servo Wire is Long Enough |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
Tachometer:p2r:e -- W12:w1:w
W12:w1:e -- "_Engine GND_5":w
W12 [label=<
Distance is from ECU to engine ground. |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#895956:#000000"]
_S_1:e -- W13:w1:w
W13:w1:e -- "_Engine GND_6":w
W13 [label=<
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
KillSwitch:p3r:e -- W14:w1:w
W14:w1:e -- "Fuse Block":p3l:w
W14 [label=<
KillSwitch:3:KS |
Fuse Block:3:F2+ |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p6r:e -- W15:w1:w
W15:w1:e -- ECU1:p4l:w
W15 [label=<
ECUM:7:12V ECU |
ECU1:M4:ECU 12V |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#00ff00:#000000"]
ECUF:p3r:e -- W16:w1:w
W16:w1:e -- "MAF Sensor":p1l:w
W16 [label=<
ECUF:4:Extra Out 1 |
MAF Sensor:4:12V |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#00ff00:#000000"]
ECUF:p2r:e -- W17:w1:w
W17:w1:e -- Tachometer:p1l:w
W17 [label=<
ECUF:3:Extra Out 2 |
Tachometer:A:12V |
Pre-attached wire is of sufficient length to reach ECU. |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
ECUF:p4r:e -- W18:w1:w
W18:w1:e -- "Negative Bus Bar":p3l:w
W18 [label=<
Negative Bus Bar:3 |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#ff0000:#000000"]
ECUM:p6r:e -- W21:w1:w
W21:w1:e -- LSU:p1l:w
W21 [label=<
ECUM:7:12V ECU |
LSU:3:12V |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]
edge [color="#000000:#000000:#000000"]
"Servo Power":p2r:e -- W22:w1:w
W22:w1:e -- "Negative Bus Bar":p2l:w
W22 [label=<
Servo Power:2:GND |
Negative Bus Bar:2 |
> fillcolor="#FFFFFF" shape=box style="filled,dashed"]